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Dance with the melody of the world—the 2nd international culture festival

In the golden autumn, Jing Ying Road in DUT became an exotic style street where international students from more 100 countries exhibited the cultural exhibition tents for audiences and where there were delicious food, beautiful dresses, and exciting shows, making the festival a multi-cultural feast.B71W4254-01

This was the grand open ceremony of the 2nd international culture festival “pass love to the world, create the future” held in DUT on the morning of 18th, October. Vice president of DUT Li Junjie, the director of the foreign affairs office of Dalian Yu Tao, the leader of the exit-entry administration bureau of Dalian Xu Zengyun and Xu Peiwen, the ambassador of Embassy of Belarus Alexander, the culture commissioner of the Russian consulate general in Shenyang Elena attended the ceremony, as well as other representatives from universities in Dalian.

英国的留学生脸上画着鲜艳的彩妆,与路过的同学合影留念,定格下最美的笑容。(摄影 张琳)

The festival was supported especially by the relative embassies and consulates. For instance, the consul-general of the Russian consulate general in Shenyang Mr. Serkin sent a congratulation letter which was read by the culture commissioner Elena. Eric, who is the representative of international students, made a speech to express his expectation to the culture festival and his intense love to DUT and China.十层高的大蛋糕已经准备完毕,现场气氛热烈,人头攒动。(摄影 乔天扬)

The focus of the festival is to show the exotic cultures of the world and make better communication with units from other countries and districts. On this stage, mysterious Thai dance, hot and sexy Spanish melody, slight European shows and fashionable international bands are all the eye-catching points. What’s more, audiences could also elect “the most beautiful international student” and “the best cultural show”. The lucky one among them could get surprising gifts.

This international culture festival extends the essence of the previous years and will become the most import moments in Duters’ memory.