March 20 -- On the afternoon of March 20th, Mr.Theerakun Niyom, Thai Ambassador to China, pays a goodwill visit to our university with his delegation. Guo Dongming, president of DUT, talks with the...
March 20 -- The opening ceremony of the Sixth Graduate Academic Science Festival of DUT andLectures of Masters(NO. 36, No.1 in 2015) was held in the lecture hall in the Research and Building. Jian...
26thNovember -- The 16thChina H-tech Fair was held in Shenzhen from 16thto 21stNovember. The delegation of DUT, which was led by Li Junjie, vice president, attended the fair and launched a discussi...
Nov 13 – On November 10th, the 4thHIWIN Doctoral Dissertation Award was held in Xi’an. Ma Guangyi, tutored by Professor Wu Dongjiang, from School of Mechanical Engineering won the bronze award wi...
December 12 - The awards ceremony of Mitsubishi chemical scholarship during the 2013-2014 academic year was held in Puyi Hall of Bochuan Library, which was aimed at praising forty-five excellent DU...