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Professor Cui Miao’s Research on the Successful Practice and Theory of Anti-epidemic in China has Received Wide Attention

From School of Economics and Management

By Li Xiang

Recently, Professor Cui Miao from School of Economics and Management, Dalian University of Technology, in collaboration with Professor Pan Shanlin and PhD student Qian Jinfang from The University of New South Wales, Australia, conducted the study named “Information Resource Orchestration During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study of Community Lockdowns in China”, which documented and publicized the successful experience of Chinese communities in fighting the epidemic and was selected as one of the Highly Cited Papers and Hot Papers in the Essential Science Indicators database.

When the epidemic swept the world in early 2020, China delivered a near-perfect score in the fight against the epidemic, and closed-off community and home quarantine was a key part of China’s rapid victory in this battle. The research team explored how elderly, young and middle-aged individuals and children resourced information and how they adapted their information behavior to emerging online technologies. Through case study method, the study presents a realistic picture of China’s orderly home quarantine during the epidemic, disseminating China’s successful experience in fighting the epidemic to the international community and providing insights for other countries and regions that have implemented closed-off community management to better fight against the epidemic. The study has received wide attention from international academic and practical communities, and has been cited 25 times in Web of Science Core Collection and 40 times in Google Scholar Citations.

Note: Selected from the most recent 10 years of data, ESI Highly Cited Paperreflect the top 1% of papers by field and publication year; ESI Hot Papersrefers to papers cited in the top 0.1% in a current bimonthly period, and the papers must be published within the last two years. The Essential Science Indicators database is a common tool for evaluating the international academic standards and influence of academic institutions and scholars worldwide. Since 2012, ESI has been included in the evaluation index system of academic disciplines by the Ministry of Education.

Editor: Li Xiang