Dalian Typical Base for Smart Community Governance(hereinafter referred to astheBase), established in August 2021and ledbyDalian University of Technology (DUT) and Dalian Civil Affairs Bureau,is a stateexperimental base for intelligent society governance,approved by eight ministries and commissions including the Cyberspace Administration of China.Sinceitsestablishment,the Basehas always been committed to following the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristicsfor aNew Era andthe principlesof the 19th CPC National Congress and the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixthplenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee.Stayingtrue to the people-centered philosophy, the Baseworksforpeople’swell-beingandcontributestothesuccessivedevelopmentof data empowerment, digital inclusion, information inclusiveness andsmartcity upgrading.The Base,continuously advancingthe vision of“Technology for Kindness, Development for People”andrealizing the pursuit of“ExtensiveParticipationand SharedProsperity”,has turneditselfinto an exemplary model forcommunity-levelgovernancein tellingChina’sstorieswellandmake China’s voice heard.TheBase,leveragingthe advantagesof DUT which boastsofextensive disciplines, talents andoverseasexchanges,has88faculty members,of whom62 are institutional scientific research personnel (excluding experiment teachers and administrators): 24professors, 27 associate professors/researchers andninelecturers. In addition,theBase is staffed with three legal advisors, one investment and financing advisor, one technical advisor, oneexpertofsocial risk assessment, six qualified specialists inassessingsocial stability and risks, three senior engineers and twelve enterprise engineers.
TheBase has been proactively served asa thinktank for localauthoritiesin modernizingthecommunity governance system and enhancing its capacity. As of May 2021,the Base,with its excellent members,hasplayed a significant role in providingsuggestionsfordecision making and economic and social development of Dalian City.According to incomplete statistics, it hasconcludedfiveresearch projects, published 38 papers onmajornews media,othermainstreammedia and core journals, and drafted 12 policy documents for CPC Committee and governments at all levels.
In addition, theBaselaunchesa variety of talent cultivation projects and domestic academic exchange activities. So far,theBase hasmaintained closeties with a number of well-known universitiesandbusinessand public institutions in China, andhas heldhundreds ofonline-and-offlineseminarsforacademic exchange.As fortalent cultivation, it has exploreda long-term mechanism that provides stable support forMaster and doctoralcandidatesto beengagedin research projects andhas set up the project of “New Long March Workshop”thatsupportsandencouragesundergraduates toearlyjointhe Base, research projects, andresearch teams.Based onthesetalent cultivation projects, the Basesucceeded insupplying brain powerforthe State Experimental Base by exploring the integrated BA-MA-Ph.D. cultivation mode.
TheBase,committed to integrating research resources of DUT,pursuesdevelopment with thesupport of bothuniversityandgovernmentandpromotesacoordinated innovation ofgovernment, enterprises,universities,institutionsandconsumers. Additionally,characterized by theapplied researchonpublic security and emergency management,it exploresahead oftime thetypical application scenariosranging fromlaboratory to community,improvingits research capacity for implementing supervision on law-based administration, feasibility study of major decisions, social stability and risk assessment, survey and analysis of public participation and the governance mechanism of policy-making accountability. Ithasalsoprovidedknowledge products and intelligent servicesbothforthepragmaticactions ofemergency management,andforthepractice professionalization andhigh-quality developmentofsecurity governance,aiming atimprovingthe communitygovernance systemandfurther modernizing thegovernance capacity.