Key Laboratories

“Engineering Research Center of Advanced Polymers and Composites, Ministry of Education”

Introduction: Based on the ’novelhigh-performance resin with phthalazinone structure, aiming at key problems in the high-tech fields and the major national strategic needs, the Center attempts to carry out basic theoretical research on advanced polymers and composites, develop engineering and industrialization technology, and address problems in key generic technologies urgently needed for industrial technological progress in this field. It has three research directions, namely,

(1) Structure and properties of high temperature resistant basic resins. Based on the design of the molecular structure, the Center designs and synthesizes new high-performance polymer materials with new phthalazinone structure, and studies the relationship between their structure and propertiesaswell as engineering and industrialization technology.

(2) High-performance resin matrix composites and their applications. Focusing on the research of new high-performance resin matrix of new phthalazinone structure, the Center conducts studies on continuous fiber reinforced composites, short fiber reinforced composites, polymer alloys, nano-in situ composite modified materials, etc.

(3) Functional polymer materials and new technologies for their application. The Center works on electronic information functional materials, high temperature resistant and efficient separation membranes, new energy battery materials, high temperature resistant and radiation-resistant special insulating materials, functional coatings, and high temperature resistant structural adhesives, bio-based high-performance materials, biomedical materials, 3D printing materials, stealth materials, etc.

The Center has undertaken major national, industrial and regional scientific and technological research tasks, continuing to provide engineering technological achievements for technological innovation and industrial progress, so as to deepen the integration of science and education, and vigorously cultivate innovative talents in the fields of advanced polymers and composites.